Not easy as it seems… ‘Changes in life!’

‘People often don’t realise what others do for them until one day they stop doing that..’

Well this is something that I’v noticed from this world.. And i believe that its true! In life we all experience this…one day when you are so close to somebody and the next day they become just a phase of your life. Strange but true! This is not something we prepare our minds with, that one day we have to leave that person who was once a major part of your life but that is what we all call a ‘life‘ is. At that point the one piece that we left to choose is ‘moving on’ because either you want it or not, you have to take that path. We may find it hard or easy to go with but at the end of the day that is what your life shows you. Hard facts about life… is the thing which i call ‘change‘. No matter how hard you try not to face it but fact is its something which you all have to learn, experience and “watch soon”.

Sometimes this change is purely in our hands. We might choose this change with ourself. The modifications in life are sometimes ephemeral & sometimes it can turn out to be eternal. Like the good habbits you initially make after long routine change. Like waking up early. This simplest habbit of urs can live with u till the end. This is how u justify the Change.

Change is not always supposed to be the fate’s decision and something with which you have to cope up with. Sometimes change is that ‘strong step’ taken with your heart and soul with the collaboration of your mind.

It’s not about that you might wish for a change in someone or something and with the failure of your secret desire you lose hope too. No! If you want to bring change in something or someone.. Go make an effort for that. Things don’t fall out right by themselves. YOU have to make sure They do!

You’re life will become a standstill if you don’t change your views,thoughts, perspectives, opinions, even people around you with time. Have some variety! Go to different places, talk to different people, don’t limit yourself. Go discover yourself. Clear your mind with the negative aspects of change n welcome the new updated mind of people. Don’t get bothered with it because at the end of the day.. Change is way of life and times greatest teachings to us. ‘It’s changes every time! ‘ Don’t get scared of Change. Be the change you want! As I’ve said it…

‘No matter how hard you try not to face it but the fact is its something which you all have to learn, experience and “watch soon”.’

23 thoughts on “Not easy as it seems… ‘Changes in life!’

  1. Hope you don’t mind that I read your blog (saw the note you left on “The Decider” blog). I would like to “reblog” as well if that’s ok with you. Congrats on your first post!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Its a seriously amazing post. Normal people ignore this topic and you write a complete article. And this line
    “People often don’t realise what others do for them until one day they stop doing that..” Make me remind of old friends and my old life.. It simply best “SCRIBBLED MIND” 😊😊😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The change in something or someone related to us probably effect our lyf too. But generally we have to wait until that change effect us in good way.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This one is amazing… some of lines are not only the paragraph but they are the fact of the real life… really admirable and I appreciate. And one more thing ” Every thing you loose os not a loss” sometimes what we loose or who left us it just best n good for us. What we deserve in this life we definitely get…..

    Nice…. congrats n keep sharing your thoughts…

    Best Wishes
    Nitish Mathur

    Liked by 1 person

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